
Saving the Blue Marble: Part I - The Community

Dr. Patricia Tyler had survived through so many missions during her husband's service career. She thought his retirement would mean he would be around more often.  This was not the case.  As a former member of the nation's medical response team, CAPT Wade Tyler had deployed numerous times to dangerous, desolate areas of the world to address the suffering following natural and manmade disasters, even terrorist events.  Upon learning where he had been, Patricia was beginning to believe he might be invincible. But now she had to face up to his death. A death that was not only horrific, but mysterious in nature. Finding out about a legacy her husband had left for the family was also puzzling. A mystery that was beyond imagination and filled with potential danger for the family and, as she would later learn, danger for the planet. A new home, a new direction, a new life. She prayed that the life she and Wade built, the foundation they laid out for the family, would provide her the strength to make the right decisions.

by W. P. Tyler

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