
Disorganized Christianity

Some simple and exact beliefs organized religion has about an apple, a whale, three wise men at Jesus's birth, why Noah was the best man God could have chosen to repopulate the earth after the global flood, the treatment of women, slaves/Blacks, and homosexuals along with many other false dogmas will be exposed in this book. Disorganized Christianity will also address some lesser-known events like angels having sex with Eve's daughters, what the origin of the Antichrist's number 666 could be, that Eve NEVER sinned in the Garden of Eden, and the Biblical fact that Jesus CANNOT BE the Messiah.

I had a falling out with my local church pastor. One week, I was singing "Amazing Grace," and the next week, I wasn't even allowed in HIS building. I decided very quickly to reread the Bible with a different set of eyes and a different heart and determine for myself if organized religion was correct in its damnation of my soul. Organized religion was not even close to being able to defend its damning position against me. I taught them scriptures and, in the process, recaptured my soul. I created a little study guide for others to fend off the relentless attacks on their souls by mean-spirited and intolerant Christians.

The study guide grew into this book, Disorganized Christianity. We converted non-Christians now see the real darkness of organized religion's dogma, and we are no longer bound by its condemnation.

by Keith H. McIntosh

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